Band 24/25

Albin Ormegar

Albin Ormegard

Albin Ormegard, 24, a guitarist from Sweden whose competence even as a young teenager raised no doubts.

With an early dedication to his craft, Albin pursued his passion for jazz music through studies at institutions including Skurups Folkhögskola, the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm and the Jazzcampus in Basel.

Under the tutelage of eminent figures in the jazz domain such as Lionel Loueke, Chris Cheek, Wolfgang Muthspiel, and Lage Lund, Ormegard continues to refine his skills and expand his musical horizons.

While establishing a prominent presence within the music scene of Sweden in different genres and musical situations, Ormegard showcases his talent through collaborations across Europe. He has led performances with his ensembles, including "Ormegard Trio" and "Asteroidea," while also contributing as a sideman to various projects in scandinavia and the rest of europe.

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