Band 24/25

Lorenz Widauer

Lorenz Widauer

Lorenz Widauer, born in Salzburg, Austria, is recognized as "one of the most outstanding
talents of the Austrian jazz scene" (Salzburger Nachrichten).

Beginning his musical journey with classical piano, he performed in prestigious venues like the Großes Salzburger Festspielhaus and MuTh Vienna until the age of 17. Transitioning to trumpet, he studied both classical and jazz, seamlessly blending these influences into his musical identity.

At 25, Lorenz has toured extensively in Austria and Europe with various ensembles, including Christian Muthspiel's Orjazztra Vienna and his own project Chez Fría. He received the Hubert von Goisern Kulturpreis and won the ARTEDEA competition as well as the Joe Zawinul Award. Currently, he focuses on his acoustic quartet*, merging avant-garde and classical traditions, and an electronic quintet** with atmospheric melodies and earthy grooves.

His diverse background and innovative approach promise a unique and compelling musical experience.

*featuring Philipp Schiepek, Michael Acker, Matheus Jardim **featuring Michael Marginter, Ferdinand Rauchmann, David Dolliner, Matti Felber 

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